Monday, August 11, 2008

Goodbye and Good Riddance To John Edwards

John Edwards invited critics to beat him up over his extramarital affair and lies about it. The invitation is hereby accepted. The former presidential candidate and vice presidential nominee of the Democratic Party has betrayed his supporters, his fundraisers, and, most of all, his wife and family. He deserves scorn. Edwards had portrayed himself as a loving family man who was fighting through his wife's battle with breast cancer. So much for that picture.
He's not telling the truth about how it began? That's not at all surprising, because he certainly isn't telling the truth about how it ended. In his fall upon the dagger he said he "had" an affair (opertive word is had, past tense). Then pray tell why he went to a hotel (like a long lost love-sick teenager) to see "had" again. Mr. Edwards just needs to keep his mouth shut and his pants zipped - the more both open up the more trouble he gets himself into.
I don't think it matters if his wife was technically ill at the time. Even if a person is in remission obviously they are still vulnerable. Besides, he should be rejoicing that his wife had gone into remission. Why did she fight so hard to battle the cancer if not because she loved her husband and family? Lots of people lose their spouse to cancer. He got lucky and had a second chance. And he throws it away?
And let's not forget, Hillary! She has ties to the National Enquirer and certainly has much to gain from Edwards' 'problem'. Think hard about that and how the National Enquirer got this story!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Jessie Jackson Incident Revives Some Blacks' Concerns About Obama

The larger point of The Good Reverend Jesse Jackson's criticism of Barack Obama -- if not the crude way he expressed it -- touched a nerve among some African American political activists who have been unhappy about the senator 's pointed critiques of absentee fathers and other problems in the black community. Jackson, an Obama supporter, spent much of yesterday apologizing for a remark that was caught by a Fox News microphone.
What a crock of bull____. He said how he truly felt when he thought it was "on the sly." THEN, when he got caught, he apologizes. Typical J-Jackass....He's not sorry for what he said. He's only sorry he got CAUGHT. IF YOU'RE wondering where Jesse Jackson got the idea to cut off someone's nuts, consider this theory: It probably came from his wife.
Besides, we're on the verge of nuclear war with Iran and the number one press story is about what Revrum Jackson wants to do with Barry O'Bama's nuts. We're doomed.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh, Poor Hillary

Hillary Clinton's defeat in the Democratic primary didn't quite entitle her to yell, "I'm going to Disney World!" - yet somehow a trio of charges tied to the Magic Kingdom ended up on her tab. The latest federal campaign finance filings show Team Clinton ponied up $1,321.88 to Disney in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., last month. "The charges were in error and will be credited in our next statement," an aide said.

She has failed at everything from the DC Bar Exam, education reform in Arkansas, Health care reform and now managing a campaign that was supposed to be a foregone conclusion. Could it be possible that even Democrat contributors have finally realized she is as loathesome as her husband and equally responsible for the tawdry and illegal behaviour during his Presidency and his despicable selling of the Office to the likes of Mark Rich, FALN terrorists, and now the Canadian/Kazakstan uranium deal contrary to existing US foreign policy? At which point do former Presidents such as Carter and Clinton forfeit the right to SS protection and financial support from US taxpayers for acting against America's best interests and for contributing to disrespect for the current President and for America and the US Military itself in their foreign travels and questionable fundraising? Let Bill raise the money for her from his pals on Air F---One - you know a man/woman by the company they keep
The PIAPS has no real accomplishments. She's muscled and lied her way through life, destroying everything and everyone in her path.
So who the hell cares?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Right-wingers are nicer people, the Lefties are miserable

Yes the right wingers are nicer people in my experience, they are also more honest, friendly and well-adjusted.
It's been my experience that conservatives like to talk about things outside of themselves while progressives like to discuss themselves: how they are feeling and what their desires are. That might make for a good therapy session but it's not much fun over a long dinner. In contrast the lefties are always angry and fighting with everyone they speak to.
All of this should not come as a surprise to anyone watching the drift of progressive thinking over the years.
Look at people like Michael Moore Alec Baldwin, and Barbra Streisand who gives lots of money to charity yes, but the largest recipients are not organisations that feed the hungry - the cash goes to advocacy organisations such as The Bill Clinton Foundation isn't that just great?
Left-wingers like her the ones with lots of with cash, seem to be deeply selfish and unpleasant people. Champagne socialists are the worst kind of scum!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

John McCain, Is Really The One And Only Choice!

The rationale for not choosing Barack HUSSEIN Obama or the Hildebeast is logical and well-known. The reasons FOR choosing John McCain, well lets get into it.
After long and serious thought, I have decided to endorse Senator John McCain for President.
I have always voted for the person and have not voted for anyone because some political party was telling me who I should vote for.
We all know the choices by now and, that said, I do believe that the process of selecting a chief executive is deeply flawed.

The words “money” and “special interests” come to mind, among many others.
Here’s the way I see it.
Barack Obama, you are a fine public speaker. You are also an extremely liberal Senator from the State of Illinois, which has a long and rich history of political corruption of the first magnitude. You are indeed a child of that system.
You have finally insulted my intelligence far beyond my capacity to tolerate your insults.It has nothing at all to do with your skin color. As a matter of fact, it would be so COOL to finally have an African-American for President. What a great statement that would be to the entire world–that we are indeed the greatest country on earth!But, unfortunately, General Colin Powell is not running, and YOU are NOT the man for this job!
Barack, baby, you want me to believe that you have never heard the sermons of your own pastor, the Right Reverend “God Damn America ” Jeremiah Wright. It is a matter of record that this has been your church for over 20 years. It is a matter of record that you were married there by this very pastor, and that your children were baptized there. The good Reverend saw fit to visit Khadafy in Libya and to give a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan, of all people.We have all seen excerpts of his sermons all over the airwaves by now.And you have publicly stated that this man IS your “spiritual mentor.” YOUR'S not mine, and not my choice for man of the year either!
BUT, your pastor is NOT the reason I am NOT voting for you. His words were disturbing enough, but it is your own HUGE church congregation, seen jumping, hooting and howling to his words in the background that disturb me the most.And please don’t tell me you attended church there and never once heard a “discouraging word” in the 20 years you attended there.Don’t tell me, that in addition to the good reverend, you are now not having anything to do with all those other people seen hooting and howling out in the audience in the background during his fiery tirades.
Even Oprah Winfrey got disgusted and walked out.I am no Oprah fan, but still she did the right thing.
Now you look me in the eye and ask me to believe that you never heard such language in all the years you attended there! This is like me telling you that I attended dozens of Klan rallies and never once heard the “N” word. Yep.And Bill Clinton “did not inhale.”
Yes, Mr. Obama, we all have friends who have said stupid things that embarrassed us; but NOW you have asked me to believe something that is so incredibly stupid that you are telling me that I am just stupid enough to believe you.THAT is the main reason that I will never vote for you.
I am deeply sorry, that in a county teeming with enormously talented African Americans who would make a good President, the political system has chosen YOU.You are a pathetic and plastic excuse for an American, who will not even salute the Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. God forbid you ever get near the Oval Office. No Mr. Obama, you are not going to ever get MY vote...Never!
Now, did I mention Bill Clinton?
AH, YES! that brings us to MRS. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, who this candidate really is, in spite of all the other names she may care to call herself.This “feminist” piece of work of course would like to be referred to as MS. and we all know who wears the pant suit in that family.
Ms. Clinton, (sugar), it is just as depressing to realize that there are dozens of women who would also make great Presidents. But, unfortunately, the horrible state of the selection process has selected YOU. Ms. Clinton, I’m sorry, but you could not tell the truth if we waterboarded your worthless ass!
Still you play the role of the “embarrassed but dignified noble wife.” utter malarky! I am not voting for you for a world of reasons, but the main one is the same as my not voting for Senator Obama–you persistently insult my intelligence. It COULD be conceivably possible that you did not know about Monica Lewinsky–extremely remote, but possible–if we stretch our imaginations a bit. But you turn around and then ask me to believe that you also did not know about Paula Jones and the legion of other women who were chewed up and spit out by your lecherous excuse for a husband.Puleese turn off this broken record!
But let’s set aside your hubby’s flagrant peccadilloes. The real reason I will never vote for you is that I don’t think the country can survive EIGHT MORE YEARS of Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Sandy Berger stuffing his socks with classified intelligence, Janet Reno’s goon squad, and the myriad other corruptions that seem to stick to you like your ugly face. So our former President can’t keep his pants zipped. The REAL issue is that he committed perjury under oath when he lied about it and the pathetically-attempted cover-up that followed. Like you, he is totally incapable of telling the truth. He could not do it if you tortured him; and in voting for you, we would get BOTH of you all over again–the same folks who could have taken out Osama Bin Laden over 3,000 dead Americans ago.
And please stop telling me that you have “eight years of experience” to lead us. You were the freakin’ first lady already, not the Commander in Chief.Jeez! The sum of your “experience” is that of the most worrisome and incompetent meddling in the history of the White House. And stealing it's belongings when you left. You even cursed your pitiful staff and the Secret Service agents who were and still are unfortunately charged with risking their lives to protect your worthless, thieving hide, and all at the expense of other people who have to work for a living.
Your single pathetic platform is to finance the illegal drugs, alcoholism and bad habits of the very lowest and most irresponsible freeloaders in America and to then “garnish the wages” (your own words) of every law-abiding and hard-working American to pay for it.This disaster you refer to as “Universal Health Care.” have you been the last 30 years? Did you not notice that socialism is a failure wherever it has been tried? Did you not notice that the Soviet Union has collapsed since it gave no reward to those who worked the hardest for the fruits of their own labors to pay for those who would not?
It is interesting to see all the dead bodies you and your hubby have left in your wake–suicides, mysterious deaths–cover-ups that make Richard Nixon look like a rank amateur. The utter contempt and unbelievable arrogance of some of your strongest supporters–most notably the recently resigned and disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer, the epitome of hypocritical and malevolent arrogance gone wild; a man the news media refuses to admit IS a “super delegate” in your own political machine, a fine example of your own “adopted” state of New York. No wonder you moved there to run for Senator! The environment there is perfect for the likes of you!
Yes,would vote for a woman, but I will NOT vote for YOU! NEVER!
Which leaves us with Senator John McCain.
John, you are a flawed man.You are a bit old, a little bit loony, and you have a notoriously bad temper. This perfectly qualifies you, in my humble opinion, to lead us for the next eight years. I DO WANT your trembling hand on the nuclear button.
Think about it.
We have Kim Jong IL, Chavez and Ahmadenijad all running around like lunatics, threatening America and threatening to plunge the world into nuclear Armageddon.We have Putin and the Chinese blustering and rattling their sabers at us.I want John McCain in the Oval Office and I want him to be really pissed off at all these other nut jobs around the planet.
John, once you are elected, I want you to go into the Oval Office and throw one of your perfect FITS. Jump up and down and throw something through a plate glass window.Rip the drapes down and foam at the mouth a bit.And I want the whole thing on camera so that Ahmadinejad can see it. I want ALL of these “world leaders” to lay awake at night and to break out in a cold sweat every time they think of messing with the United States of America .
I want the nuclear button sitting right next to the alarm clock on your night stand.I want pictures of this to be sent to Iran , Russia , China , Venezuela , Cuba , Libya , Syria , Pakistan , and those other assholes in the sheets, the Saudis.
On the domestic front, poor John did try and reach across the aisle to the opposition in a desperate effort to compromise and to get the Congress to do something.You may not agree with his efforts, but at least he TRIED.For all his efforts, all he got handed to him was his head in a basket. The liberals are pissed at him and the conservatives are pissed at him.Just my kinda guy.
I predict that you John will select Senator Joe Lieberman as your running mate. Good choice. My fellow Republicans may not like it, but I do.. My fellow Conservatives will hate it, but screw them, they hate everything lately. They don’t know what the hell they want anymore. I want a Jew whose memory of the Holocaust is still fresh in his mind and who is royally pissed off at all of these towel-headed morons in the Middle East to be the next in line if something should happen to John.Shalom, Vice President Joe. One heartbeat from the Oval Office.
Finally. John McCain knows on a most personal level what it is to suffer horrible torture for years and to see others die right in front of you for their love of America . When you ask him about it, he will tell you that what he did was “nothing special.” Even more incredibly, he states that ANY American who truly loves his country would do exactly the same as he did in that situation.You and I will have a hard time believing that, but the real point is that John McCain believes that about the “average American.”
And that, dear friends and neighbors, is why I will cast my one poor ballot on election day for John McCain.
God Bless America .

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why Would Anyone Want A Clinton (Any Clinton) In The White House?

I just can’t understand people that they are even considering putting the Clinton’s back in the White House after all of scandals they created. They even created scandals when they were leaving the White House, such as taking furniture, silverware. From the Vincent Foster, the McDougal’s, (and we want HILLARY handling the countries REAL ESTATE issues –no way) the very tacky pardons that were granted with help from Hillary’s brother Hugh Rodham and Bill’s brother Roger Clinton. There were U.S. Senators such as House Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton, were embarrassed and appalled at those pardons. The Pittsburgh Tribune said the cover-up that followed Foster's death is one of many compelling reasons Hillary Clinton must be defeated if she ever again runs for public office. And we note that while Vince Foster's family and friends may still mourn him, his death — and the scandal that still clings to Hillary — may save the country from the mistake of her campaigning for the presidency. Let's not forget Bill, with his countless women scandals. What will he be doing this time if he went back to the White House and free to do whatever? However Americans feel about Mr. and Mrs. Bush, at least we DO have class and dignity in the White House. Bringing the Clinton’s back would be a sheer disaster and nothing to be proud of. There’s a reason the Clinton’s never unveiled everyone who contributed to the Clinton Library.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hillary Clinton's New Message

Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., sharpened her attacks on her opponent three days before the critical primaries on Tuesday. Clinton offered a new message: "Headlines and Trend Lines" -– a slogan she has used before, but really hammered on Saturday in Wake Forrest, N.C.
In her sharpest remarks in days, Clinton said she is better on the housing crisis, health care and on the gas problem than Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.
Clinton addressed the gas tax issue saying, “There’s a big disagreement in this campaign. You’ll see it in the headlines about where Sen. Obama and I stand on taking on the immediate crisis we confront.
“You’ve probably heard the debate about the gas tax, because my opponent is running ads and holding press conferences attacking my plan to try to give you some kind of break this summer.” Clinton explained her plan and why it was better, hitting on the gas tax holiday and other solutions she has proposed.
Clinton also pointed out the difference between her policy on housing versus Obama’s. “When I said we needed to take action to freeze foreclosures to protect people from losing their homes my opponent disagreed.”
Clinton then turned to her health care jab, one she has pointed out from state to state. “My opponent's plan would leave out 15 million people. That’s not really going to work. Because what that means is the uninsured will still go to the emergency room.”
Clinton closed, saying, “I think if you are a leader, you have got to look at both the headlines and the trend lines. ... This issue that we are facing today over gas prices, and the debate that my opponent and I are having over it, is really part of a larger difference between us. It’s something I hope you will think about when you go to vote -– either voting early today or voting next Tuesday.”
The gas tax is nothing but a game,who does she think she is kidding. The oil companies will up the price to make us pay the difference they won't pay she knows this . She thinks that this makes her look good, like she is trying to help. WRONG
I think we have sort of reached an impasse on Rev. Wright. Most Americans, I think, accept the following realties. Obama, by what he wrote in his memoirs, by what he said when he spoke in his early campaign speeches, by his frequent praise of Wright, and by his 20-year presence in front of, and subsidies to, Wright knew exactly the racist and anti-American nature of his odious pastor. But many also seem to accept that they have invested too much in Obama and have come too far to accept anything that might end his candidacy. Hence their hysteria over the Wright “smear”.
So while Obama is hurt in the primaries, and perhaps mortally so in the general election (the white working classes have a long memory), he will probably get the nomination, because his base will overlook all the above: they despise George Bush, will do anything to prevent another Republican in the White House, are tired of the Clintons, and feel Obama offers them symbolic capital, making them liked abroad and free of guilt at home. Bottom line: unless Obama was caught on tape nodding as Wright screamed his obscenities at the United States, or an angry and spiteful Wright produces some letter, e-mail, etc. that reveals a kindred soul in Obama, or Michelle gives another speech “from the heart” about how hard she has struggled and how in return she has had no pride in this country, or there is another off-the-cuff, but recorded sneer at the white working class (50/50 chance on all four counts), I think he will weather the current storm and get the nomination. Obama evokes pure emotion and raw politics now, and logic, honesty, and accountability have little to do with his nomination bid.
I worry just as much about Michelle [my belle] as I do about Obama. Who wants a First Lady who does that freaking black-female head bobble??? If you aint seen it you dont know what I am talking about... If you have seen it you know why I am worried
BO's friends and family are his greatest downfall.... Michelle surely has problems walking thru' doorways with that giant-sized chip on her far, the only one that has gotten an ounce of respect from me is his white grandmother and he obviously has little or no respect for her himself.
The 2008 Presidential race is a throwaway. There is nothing left or to see here people. If McCain wins, which he should, it will probably be the best outcome of a bad situation, but there are no real guarantees either. It's up to a lot of Americans to lead this country because it certainly isn't going to be led from the WH, no matter who gets in, including Captain Queeg. I will vote for him.

Oh, No, Oprah Winfrey's A No-Show

When Barack Obama needed Oprah Winfrey’s help, she delivered. When he needed an infusion of campaign cash, she threw a star-studded fundraiser last summer at her California estate. When he needed a big-name draw in the early-primary states, she addressed massive crowds in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. And when Obama was looking for a late boost in a critical Super Tuesday state, Winfrey was once again there for him, giving up her Sunday afternoon for a Los Angeles rally. But as Obama faces his most crucial primary day in months and struggles to move past the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy, Winfrey is far from the campaign trail, appearing more focused on sweeps — not election — season. Indeed, since Super Tuesday on Feb. 5, Oprah has been absent from Obama's side. Her people say other projects have kept her too busy to hit the hustings for the candidate. His people say they’d love to have her but don’t need her help in attracting crowds anymore. Either way, people expecting to see her on the stump any time soon may have to hold their breath longer than David Blaine did this week on her namesake talk show. Yet it would seem like the perfect time for Obama to call in his super surrogate, considering the next two states up for grabs: North Carolina has a significant African-American population, and Indiana shares a border and a media market with Illinois, where Winfrey resides and tapes her talk show. Oprah could be an important asset, said Jennifer Duffy, an analyst with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. In North Carolina, she could act as a counterweight to a Clinton ad featuring Maya Angelou and reassure African-American voters after the Wright controversy (even though she has reportedly attended services at Trinity United Church of Christ in the past). In Indiana, she could appeal to white working-class women. "It would be very helpful," Duffy said. "Part of the problem is she is not somebody who can drop everything. In some ways, it might be easier to rearrange George Bush's schedule than Oprah Winfrey's schedule." That’s exactly the point made by the Winfrey camp.

She wouldn't jeopardize her rich, fat behind for anyone... no matter what color he is.
Oprah did not get to the hights she is now in - power & money-wise - by being stupid. She is one smart woman, who makes the occasional mistake. Looks like she has learned from this mistake. At least I hope so.