Sunday, June 15, 2008

Right-wingers are nicer people, the Lefties are miserable

Yes the right wingers are nicer people in my experience, they are also more honest, friendly and well-adjusted.
It's been my experience that conservatives like to talk about things outside of themselves while progressives like to discuss themselves: how they are feeling and what their desires are. That might make for a good therapy session but it's not much fun over a long dinner. In contrast the lefties are always angry and fighting with everyone they speak to.
All of this should not come as a surprise to anyone watching the drift of progressive thinking over the years.
Look at people like Michael Moore Alec Baldwin, and Barbra Streisand who gives lots of money to charity yes, but the largest recipients are not organisations that feed the hungry - the cash goes to advocacy organisations such as The Bill Clinton Foundation isn't that just great?
Left-wingers like her the ones with lots of with cash, seem to be deeply selfish and unpleasant people. Champagne socialists are the worst kind of scum!


Anonymous said...

Cool blog Tina. That was really good reading
thank you

Steve Harkonnen said...

On our last cruise, we somehow managed to be seated with a bunch of old people who talked about their digestive system ailments, turd consistencies, etc, the whole nine yards....come to find out they were all liberals, which really made the dinner more interesting - especially after one night I told all of them we were conservatives, so please stop talking bullshit politics.

You could've heard a pin drop.